Saturday, November 23, 2013

Working on the Float

Lee and I were asked by our church leaders to help build a float that will be in an upcoming Christmas parade in Downtown Glendale.
We've been working on it for the past two months: coming up with the idea, the plans, and now working on the construction and decoration. It's a big undertaking, and has required a lot of time and energy. Today we worked for most of the day, and made a TON of progress. These pictures are from throughout the day, it was even further along when I left.
The theme is "Is There Room in Your Inn? The 24 foot float will have an inn with an innkeeper, Mary (on a life size animatronic donkey) Joseph, real palm trees, and other scenery.
This is a view of the back end of the inn. The walls aren't up yet, they'll rest on the stone wall- carved and painted on Styrofoam. There will also be two side structures and a large piece on top. It's going to be huge!
This is Adam, our main carpenter and superhero.

Here's Heath, busy painting the "ground". He and his wife Bettijo are the brains of our organization.

Richard is our fearless leader. He and his wife, Jill, are in charge of the whole thing.
More pics of the group: Heath, Bettijo, Jill, and Richard.

We've made lots of the details out of carved Styrofoam, including these brick pieces that will run up the side of the inn,

And this faux wood that will line the doorway.

 With so many components, our workspace is kind of a disaster area.

Ready to put the walls up!

Still lots to paint, but it's coming together.

This is the roof for one of the side structures. We're going to deck it out Jerusalem style.
Kathleen, an amazing artist, busy working on the back wall.
She's also building our life size donkey- I can't wait to see it on the float!

 Lee and Adam, being good sports about getting their picture taken.
If you're in the Glendale area, come see the finished float in the Hometown Christmas Parade. Saturday, December 7th at 10am on Glendale Ave. between 52nd and 58th Avenues.