Friday, May 31, 2013

Back From Camp!

Yippee! I'm back from girls camp! The last four days have been exhausting, but wonderful. The girls in our ward are amazing, and were so fun to be with. I took some pictures, but unfortunately my camera broke on the second day, so I missed out on a bunch of fun moments.
Here's a group shot the morning we left. Don't we look all fresh and clean? We wouldn't stay that way for long.

I'm pretty partial to this little camper.
The backpacks I gave out were great- they made our girls easy to spot in the crowds.

Each ward was assigned a color, a YW value, and a country to represent. Ours were purple, Integrity, and Holland. We had these shirts made for us. They said "Integrity- Stand up and show it"

Our ward occupied two cabins: Haarlem, and The Hague (2 Dutch towns). We were in a great location, at the top of a small hill.

 Here are the girls making their lantern craft.

Skit night. Go Bellair girls!

Our turn to raise the flag.
The fourth year girls and I had the opportunity to go to the lake and canoe.

This is the last picture I got before my camera bit the dust. I wish I could have taken more pictures of these awesome girls.
The rest of the week was filled with more great events including zip lining, firesides, kickboxing, dancing, Bishop's night, crafts, archery, service projects, nature walks, and impromptu late night dance parties on our cabin decks.
It was a week filled with lots of bugs and sleepless nights, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. These sweet girls amazed me with their great attitudes and desire to choose the right. I LOVE them!

1 comment:

  1. Those cabins up the hill were always the YCL cabins when I was going to camp. I even got to stay in them!
