Monday, May 13, 2013

What I'm Reading

This month has been so crazy, I haven't had much time at all to read, but
this is the current stack on my nightstand of things I've read, or am going to read.
I bought the book "Cooked", by Michael Pollan. I LOVE how he writes. I've only had time to read a couple of chapters of it, but so far, so good.
"The Light between Oceans" was my pick for our last book club. Loved it!
Bill O'Reilly's book "Killing Kennedy" was OK, not as good as his last one, "Killing Lincoln".

I haven't read a Stephen King book since college, but this one (11/22/63) intrigued me. It's enormous! Hopefully I can tackle it this summer.

I started "In Zanesville" a couple of months ago, I really need to get it finished.
"Buddha in the Attic" was really interesting. Different than anything else I've ever read.
I'm embarrassed to say that I've never read "The Great Gatsby". We're reading this and "The End of Your Life Book Club" for our book club in the next few months. I'm super excited about both!
I also just read "Wonder", I don't have a picture, it was a library copy. It was a beautiful story, written for young adults, but very powerful.
If you're reading this, drop me a comment about your favorite books!

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