Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 11: The Kitchen, Part 1

I'm not going to lie.....since starting this challenge I've been dreading tackling my kitchen. I knew it would be one of the most time consuming areas to whip into shape. I didn't bother taking too many 'before" pictures, the one below is a good representation of what most of my cabinets looked like. I have too much stuff crammed into this space, it was time for a major purge.
I started with one of my dish cabinets. I love dishes. If I had more space, I'd hoard them like nobodies business. This cabinet holds extra plates, large bowls, Pyrex, and some of my platters. Just straightening everything and taking out extra odds and ends made a huge difference.

I added a shelf riser under the sink. All my dish washing and kitchen cleaners go in a large plastic bin and trash bags go underneath. Having everything in a bin helps me keep this area from becoming a black hole of a mess.

I hate looking at paper towels, so I installed the holder inside the cabinet.

On top of the sink I keep my hand soap and dish washing liquid in a pretty white dish.

One of my favorite things to use for kitchen organization is a lazy Susan. My spice cabinet has two of them- a single and a double decker.

More labels, my 10 year old loves to make them for me!

And last but not least, I cleaned off the cork boards inside my cabinets. Most of the stuff on them was from the last school year- they'll start filling back up in August!
Stay tuned for part 2 tomorrow!

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