Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day 15: The Linen Closet

Day 15........ I've reached the halfway mark, and I've headed upstairs to continue my month long organizing challenge.
Our master bathroom has a nice big linen closet where we store sheets, towels, cleaning stuff, and personal care items. I'm almost embarrassed to show you the inside of it. Promise not to judge?
Time to clear it out!
After some serious purging, it now looks like this:
The top shelf is for cleaning stuff. I bought this caddy at Target, I also bought one for the kids bathroom linen closet (more on that later).

I also bought this cute ceramic container for cotton pads and Q-tips. Gotta love the clearance section, it was a whopping 4 bucks.

A wood bin holds personal items (soap, lotion, toothpaste, etc.).

Extra towels are stacked neatly, and a basket holds washcloths and hand towels.

Extra sheets are in this basket on the bottom shelf.

I also reorganized my jewelry holder that's next to the linen closet.

Made from a large frame, grass cloth wallpaper, and mesh screen, it's one of my favorite DIY projects of all time.

Much more to come!

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