Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 17: The Master Bedroom, Part 1

Today and tomorrow I'm tackling our master bedroom. This will be the easiest two days of the month because our bedroom is probably the tidiest room in the house. I don't have stuff crammed under the bed, and we have plenty of storage space in there. All it needed was a little bit of organizing to get it in shape.
I started by straightening up my kids albums. We have a tall bookcase that holds all the albums I've done for the kids over the years.

The spines are labeled with the name of the kid, and the dates the album covers.
I know it looks like a lot of books, but I'm a really simple scrapbooker.

At the beginning of each year I have my kids fill out an "All About Me" form. It includes things they like, dislike, their height and weight, hobbies, friends, etc., and it ends with them signing their name. It's neat to look back and see how they've changed.

The other side of the room is my bookcase. It just needed a bit of dejunking.
Much better!

Hiding stuff in baskets is always a good idea.
More on the master bedroom tomorrow!

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