Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 4: The White Buffet

I love this buffet. I bought it second hand at a thrift store, and to this day it's my favorite piece of furniture in our house. With its big, deep drawers, it's the perfect spot for stashing and hiding all kinds of stuff. The three drawers across the top are full of my things. The bottom three belong to the kids, and contain their art supplies and extra school supplies. I restock the school supply drawer each year when stuff goes on sale, so the kids always have what they need.
I think everyone needs a "odds and ends" drawer. Somewhere to put those random cards, letters, photos, and mementos. Unfortunately, after a while mine looked like this. A big jumbled mess.
In my organizing quest, I vowed to get rid of a lot of stuff. It's just not possible to save every Christmas card, ticket stub, or kids drawing. I'm saving my absolute favorites and letting the rest go.
So.......after a big purge, my drawers now look like this.

And the kids drawers look like this.
Crayons go in cute buckets, and markers in a vintage wood box.
I also did a big purge of my craft paint and the kids clay. Everything that was dried out
(which was a lot) got tossed.
These are stored in one of the side cabinets.
And in case you don't think I'm serious about this, check out the pile of trash on my back patio.
In four days I'm up to 7 bags!

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