Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Things I Brought Back

One of the fun parts of traveling is shopping in unique local stores, and finding a few treasures to bring back home. This last trip was no exception. Although I had serious limited space in my carry on, I did pick up a few small things.

The first thing I bought was this small Paris map in a cute little store in Concord.
It's tiny, but I've got big plans for it. (I'm kind of a sucker for French stuff)

I also bought this antler. I know.....completely random, but I've been seeing some really cool painted antlers on Pinterest lately. I plan on doing something fun with this one.
By the you follow me on Pinterest? Click the button on my side bar if you want to.
The last thing I got was this hand painted bowl in Vermont. I have a weak spot for bowls, and I think this one will look pretty in my living room hutch.
None of these things really relate to the towns I purchased them in, but they'll always remind me of the trip!

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