Monday, October 14, 2013

A Super, and Exhausting, Saturday

This past Saturday was the huge craft day at my church, known as Super Saturday. I was in charge of it this year, and have been working on it for the past three months. It was an ENORMOUS amount of work, especially the past two weeks, but it's over now- and I think it was a huge success.
Here are a few stats:
10 fun craft projects
2 free classes- Chinese cooking and creative journaling
65 women
368 total projects ordered
8 hours of crafting
2 friends I couldn't have done this without (Barb and Cyndi)
1 yummy lunch
2 mishaps- spilled paint and a small hole in a table (oops)
1 happy lady now that it's done
Although I was running around like a crazy person most of the time, I did manage to take a few pictures from the day.
Here's a shot of the projects all lined up and bagged before the day started.

I call this picture "the calm before the storm". All set up and about ready to start.

Lots of painting going on.

And lots of sewing. Barb (in the pink) rocked the superhero capes.

Cyndi (in red) taught the beaded bracelets, and Dana (in pink) ran the sugar scrubs.

My dear friend Flo taught a class on Chinese cooking, and prepared enough food to be served with lunch. It was fantastic!

And my awesome friend Dina taught a class on art journaling. Even though I was busy, I was able to catch most of her class.
(Dina's a published author on this subject and teaches around the world- she's pretty fantastic!)
Happy painters!


Here are a couple of my art pages. After a stressful day helping other people craft, it was great to be able to do something fun and creative for myself.
I'm happy I was able to do this event, but am sure glad it's over!

1 comment:

  1. Shannon, thank YOU for all of the work you put into this event. You are amazing.
