Thursday, June 5, 2014

Back From Camp

Well....we survived girls camp this year. In fact- we not only survived, we had a blast!
I was not looking forward to the lack of sleep, the bugs, the heat, and the dirt, but being with our amazing girls and feeling the spirit so strong, was worth every minute of
The girls were kept busy. There were devotionals, skits, dancing, crafting, scavenger hunts, a hike, a rock wall, a zip line, a testimony meeting with our Bishop, and so much more. The food was spectacular- Café Rio inspired lunch, Olive Garden inspired dinner, beef brisket, pasta bar, and snacks of all sorts. was not your average camp food.
We had 9 girls in our cabin, and they were so great! I brought my camera, but we were so busy I left it in the cabin most of the time. Below are the few meager pictures I managed to snap. 


The best part for me was being there with my two girls. I'm so proud of them, and all the girls I had the privilege to spend time with.


  1. Your girls are so beautiful. Love that you were able to be with them.

  2. Such cute stuff! Can't believe you've got tow in YW now! How time flies?
