Saturday, September 6, 2014

My Dad

This is the kind of blog post that I never thought I'd have to write.
On Thursday, August 28th, 2014, my dad passed away. He had a heart attack two days earlier, and was in the hospital recovering. But that morning his heart just stopped. It still doesn't seam real, and with everything I believe about the hereafter, and a loving Heavenly Father, it still hurts more than anything I've ever felt.
The funeral was held on Tuesday, September 2nd, and we buried him on the 3rd in the Thatcher Cemetery in our family plot.

There really are no words to express our grief, but we're trying to stay positive and remember all the fun times and the things we love about him.

He knew EVERYTHING! And always gave good advice.
He loved to go to Disneyland, just to sit on the bench and watch the grandkids.
He was involved in our daily lives, he really knew and loved my kids.
He was fun on trips.
He was a problem solver.
He knew everything about American history, seriously everything.
He was a hard worker.
He took care of my mom.
He always worried about us, and I knew he would always be there to help us.
He loved Coronado Island, and took my two little ones there in July.
He spent time taking care of his home and yard, and helped my sisters with theirs.
He would go to Homegoods with me.
He valued my opinion, especially about house stuff.
He loved to tinker with home improvement projects.
He was good to his parents.
He made sure we all got through college debt free.
He didn't care that my degree was in art- instead of accounting or something practical.
He was my safety net.
He loved me unconditionally, and for that I will be eternally grateful.


I miss you dad.
I'll love you forever.


  1. A beautiful post! Lots of love my dear friend!

  2. I am so sorry for your loss. Praying for your family to find comfort during this time.
