Saturday, June 1, 2013

Day 1: The Laundry Room Shelves

Yippee! It's day one of my 30 day organizing challenge. I thought I'd start with one of the biggest eyesores in our house- the large shelves in our laundry room.
Here's what I started with. Messy paperwork, too many cleaning products, kids stuff spilling out of their in-boxes, and random odds and ends.
Here it is now! So.....much.....better!
I cleaned out and labeled my kids' in-boxes. This is a great place for them to stash paperwork that they're not quite ready to part with.
I consolidated our cleaning products and labeled the cute bucket they sit in.
I cleaned off the windowsill and did a bit of rearranging.

 And my favorite part? I hung two striped pillow cases on a tension rod to cover up my husbands stuff on the top shelf. He can easily get to his piles, but I don't have to look at them!
Laundry room  organizing tip: hide junk in baskets and replace ugly detergent boxes with pretty jars!

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