Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day 2: Laundry Room Hanging Storage

 I'm a big believer in using vertical space for storage, especially in small rooms. Several years ago I installed these two rows of hooks behind the door of my laundry room. They are the perfect spot for hanging backpacks, purses, aprons, and other random stuff.
Today I took a few minutes to clean out this area. I didn't take any "before" shots, but just imagine three times as much junk hung up back there.

I designated a hook to each kid- since they like to compete for hanging space.
There was also room for this cute hanging wire basket.
And some fun art!
Wall hook tip: don't screw hooks directly into the drywall, I promise you they will fall out.
Instead, buy a piece of wood molding, something with a flat surface, screw it to the wall, and then add the hooks. Works like a charm.

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