Sunday, September 15, 2013

Cape Cod

So we made it here to Boston. Me, my parents, and my sisters- Amy and Melissa. And what did we do on our first day in town? We left.
That's right, we woke up bright and early and took this bus out of the city to Cape Cod.
I had never been there, so I was excited to see a new place.
Here's a couple of shots out of the bus window.
Hello quaint little post office.
I'm thinking about putting in an offer on this little place. What do you think?

After doing a driving tour through the cutest little town called Sandwich, we made our way into Hyannis for lunch and a harbor boat tour.
Yum! Seafood on the Water.

This boat took us as close as we could get (legally) to the Kennedy compound on Hyannis Port.
 Nice little cribs.

After the harbor tour we had some time to walk main street and do some shopping, and ice cream eating.

This little white church just screams New England. So pretty.

Tomorrow.....downtown Boston!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! Love all the pictures, makes me want to travel ..... La sigh.
