Monday, September 16, 2013


Today we spent a full day in Boston. These art installations lined the street on one side of Boston Commons. They were pretty cool.

It started raining as we got to the public gardens, so my camera was packed away for most of our time here. I did manage to snap a few shots here and there.

After the park we walked the area known as Beacon Hill. Again....more rain, and no pictures.
We passed by Cheers, but nobody there seamed to know my name.

We explored this old cemetery. The headstones were really interesting.

Then it was time for lunch, so we made our way to Quincy Market. This is one of my favorite places in Boston. Check out that ceiling!

When in Boston, eat a Boston Cream pastry. This is mandatory people.

Here's a shot of Faneuil Hall, across from Quincy Market.

Next was the trek to the North End. A great Italian neighborhood.
And up to The Old North Church.
Hello Paul Revere!
The rain cleared up and the views of the city were amazing.
We stopped into the train station to check out tickets for tomorrows trip, and then back on the subway to the hotel.
Tomorrow.....Rockport, Salem, and Gloucester!

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