Friday, September 20, 2013

Lexington and Concord was our last day of the trip. It's been a really fun week and we've seen a serious amount of cool stuff.  For our last day we decided to take the car to the cities of Lexington and Concord (Concord Massachusetts, not Concord New Hampshire like yesterday).
Lexington is where the first shot of the Revolutionary War was fired. The city is full of monuments and places related to the war. We were lucky to have my dad (aka....the walking U.S. history encyclopedia) with us to explain all the things we saw.
We walked all around the town, and by many of the historical sights. I sure wish I'd paid more attention is history class.
After Lexington, we headed to Concord. On the way we stopped at Louisa May Alcott's "Orchard House". This is where she lived, and where she based her book "Little Women" at.

Next stop- Concord. The pictures I took don't do this town justice. It was by far the cutest little town we visited all week.

We had a fun lunch at The Main Street Café, did a bit of shopping, and walked some pretty tree lined streets.

Yet another pretty white church. Has there been one in every post this week?

Like I said at the top of this post, it's been a really fun week spent with my parents and my two sisters here in the Boston area. We've seen amazing things, eating great food, and had lots of laughs.
I think we're going to need to plan another trip..............


  1. Looks like you had a blast! So where's the next trip? Can I be adopted as the 'other Magee' girl! 😊 I bet your dad was the best tour guide ever!

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