Monday, September 23, 2013

Master Bedroom

Well....I'm back from vacation. If you've been following my blog, thanks for sticking it out through all my travel pictures. It was a great week, but it's always good to be home, and back to the routine. I've got some fun projects and more house stuff I'll be posting this week. starting with a tour of my master bedroom.
I have a lot of color in my house. So for my master bedroom, I really wanted to keep things neutral and monochromatic. I chose black, white, gray, and beige. With natural wood and wicker accents.
I know it might seem kind of boring, but I LOVE how peaceful and restful it is.
The bed is definitely the focal point of the room.  We bought it when we first moved to this house, and I still love it. Most of the other furniture came from thrift stores, garage sales, or from my childhood room. We pack a lot of stuff in this room, which is why all the furniture needs to have a lot of storage space.
Our travel gallery wall is a favorite of mine. I'm got so many pictures, I'm considering expanding it.

This lamp in new. Homegoods, of course.
The stripes make me swoon.

 The wood dresser under the TV was a curbside find. Solid wood, and in beautiful condition. it's one of my best finds.
Thanks for stopping by!

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