Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Rockport, Gloucester, & Salem

Today we headed out by train to three little towns north of Boston. First up was Rockport, the furthest, and end of the line.

It's the home of this famous structure, known as Motif One.

I thought these buoys were so pretty.

Lee and I came here 3 years ago- not much has changed, its still a fun spot to wander.
Next stop was Gloucester. This is where the film The Perfect Storm was made, and where the men portrayed in that film were from. It's a neat little fishing town. Lots of character in the homes and shops.

We had a yummy lunch here, recommended by a local,

and then walked some residential streets back to the train.

Our last stop for the day was Salem. The town really tries to cash in on the witch trial theme.
We made a loop around the town and happened upon this replica of a pirate boat.

We wondered through another super old, and kind of creepy, cemetery.

After a bit more shopping and ice cream eating, we said goodbye to Salem, hoped back on the train, and headed back to the hotel.
Tomorrow.....more Boston.

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