Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Abstract Art

I've acquired a bunch of antique and salvaged items over the last month or so, most of them working their way into my front room. I'm completely smitten with them, but like anything else, too much of a good thing gets kind of boring. I decided I needed something modern to break up all the vintage stuff.
I started looking at abstract art on Etsy, and found some great pieces, but I wasn't ready to bite the bullet and order one.
My solution? Paint one myself. I've never considered myself an abstract painter, but I had the canvas, and the paint, and an idea of what I wanted, so I gave it a try.
The result was this fun little painting. It's nothing groundbreaking, but it does the job. It brings in some desperately needed color, and a change from the vintage brown that was taking over the room.

And putting it in a simple black frame makes it looks a little more special than it really is.
I've got another, much larger framing project in the works- stay tuned!

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